The elimination of pepper factor in extraction of pepper pigment from dry pepper and the effect of elimination on the extraction were studied. 本文以干红辣椒为原料,研究了在色素提取过程中,用碱液脱除辣素的方法及对色素提取的影响。
Chinese automatic word segmentation is the fundamental task of the Chinese Information Processing. The elimination of the segmentation ambiguity is the key factor affecting the segmentation precision. 汉语自动分词是中文信息处理领域中的基础课题,其中,歧义切分的消除是影响分词精度的关键问题。
Results: The elimination rate of living donors was 28.6% ( 12/ 42), and viral hepatitis was the most important factor in eliminating candidates ( 6/ 12). 结果:供体的总剔除率为28.6%(12/42),病毒性肝炎是最重要的剔除原因(6/12)。
The inverter uses optimal selective harmonic elimination PWM technology and computes predetermined switching angle, using total harmonic distortion factor as aim function. 逆变器控制采用优化的特定消谐PWM技术,以滤波后总谐波含量(THD)为目标函数,计算预定开关角度。
According to the general process of the proposed algorithm, the author put forward a relevant evaluation of the elimination of the representatives of the Department of weight calculation. Based on the existing evaluation index, we creatively take into consideration an evaluation factor. 根据之前所提出的权系数算法的一般流程,作者提出了一种消除评价指标相关性的代表系权值计算方法。
The main research works are as follows: ( 1) a population-updating EM algorithm, EM-WPU, is introduced, based on elimination mechanism and disturbance factor. 论文的主要工作如下:(1)将淘汰机制和扰动因素应用到算法种群中,给出了一种基于淘汰机制的类电磁机制算法(EM-WPU)。